Encrypted Messages for the Event of Death

This webpage encrypts messages that can be passed along in the event of death. This is done by splitting your decryption key into multiple parts. Your encrypted messages can only be decrypted once enough of the decryption keys are combined back together. For example, you can generate 10 different decryption keys such that any 3 decryption keys can be used to decrypt your message. This means that your message can only be decrypted once enough trusted individuals combine their decryption keys.

To see an example of how this webpage works, click the button.

This webpage is entirely self-contained, so it can be saved as a file for use offline. Encryption is handled using OpenPGP.js and the decryption key is securely split using Shamir's Secret Sharing.

If you already have a decryption key and want to decrypt a message, go to the Decrypt Message section below.

Generate Encryption Key

Your Name:

Number of decryption keys to generate:

Number of decryption keys required to decrypt all messages:

Public key used for Encryption:
The Public Key can only be used to encrypt messages. You should save this key somewhere safe so that you can create more encrypted messages in the future. It is safe to share this key with other people as it cannot be used to decrypt messages.
To use the Public Key to encrypt a message, use the Encryption section of this webpage below, or use PGP software on your computer.

Private keys for Decryption:
The Private keys are used to decrypt all messages. Ideally, each of your trusted friends and family members will be given one of these keys. Note, anyone who gets access to more than 3 of these private keys (as configured above) can decrypt all messages.

Encrypt Message

Public Key for Encryption:
This encryption key should come from the previous generate encryption key section.

Message to Encrypt:
Write the message that you want to encrypt. You can write any message that you want. The message can be as long as you want. You can encrypt multiple messages, and even come back and encrypt more messages later as long as you save the public encryption key.

Encrypted Message:
This is the encrypted message. You must make sure that there is some way this message is shared with your trusted friends and family members. This message can only be decrypted when enough of the decryption keys (generated above) are combined. As such, it is safe to share with all of your trusted individuals. For example, you might consider emailing the encrypted message to all of your trusted individuals, or saving the encrypted messages into a shared document.

Decrypt Message

Decryption Keys:
These decryption keys should have been provided to you by the individual who has encrypted their messages. You will need to collect multiple decryption keys before you can decrypt any messages.

Paste in your decryption keys here:

Encrypted message:
You should have been provided an encrypted message by the individual who originally gave you the decryption key:

Decrypted Message: